Jamie Anne Gustafson, PhD
About Jamie | Jamie Anne Gustafson
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Dedicated to enhancing business value through cultivating strong relationships and fostering a thriving community

As a business expert, I am committed to helping organizations build strong internal and external communities. With proven experience in developing and implementing effective community-building strategies, I deeply understand what it takes to foster collaboration, growth, and innovation within teams and across partnerships.

Whether you want to enhance your brand reputation, increase employee engagement and retention, or drive business growth through community outreach, I provide the guidance and support you need to succeed.

My expertise includes strategic communication planning, social media marketing, and brand strategy. With a strong focus on results-driven solutions, I am dedicated to delivering measurable outcomes that enhance community engagement and drive business success.

Are you ready to take your business community-building efforts to the next level?


I'm here to help. Let's work together to create a stronger, more connected, and thriving business community. 

Highlighted Education: 

- Doctor of Philosophy degree in Business Strategic Management

- Master of Science degree in Organizational Management

- Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Business Administration 

- Associate of Applied Science in Logistics 

- Certificate of Advanced Studies 

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I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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